For more information , please click on the committee below to expand it’s information, or visit the committee page from the Committees drop down at the top of this page.
The Continuum of Care (CoC) Board is the governing body that determines policy and acts as the CoC’s decision-making group. Mandated by HUD’s Continuum of Care Program, the board is responsible for oversight of funds designated to the Continuum of Care and regional planning/policy development for addressing homelessness.
The Board consists of local elected officials, nonprofit representatives, subject matter experts, and individuals with lived homeless experience.
The Coordinated Entry Committee will continue to convene, as appropriate, engage in ongoing planning for coordinated entry including engaging partners, supporting communication efforts, addressing systemic issues that may arise in implementation, assessing feedback from system stakeholders and system-wide data. The Committee will be responsible for:
- Investigating and resolving consumer and
provider complaints or concerns about the process. - Providing information and feedback to the
CoC community partners and CoC Board about coordinated assessment; - Evaluating the efficiency and
effectiveness of the coordinated assessment process; - Reviewing performance data from the
coordinated assessment process; and - Recommending changes or improvements to
the process, based on performance data, to the CoC and CoC Board
The Executive Committee is empowered to act as outlined in IV.D. To further assist the CoC Board with its responsibilities to operate a CoC, the Executive Committee will also:
a) Make recommendations for semi-annual full membership meetings.
b) Make recommendations for annual public invitation process for new members.
c) Review the written process to select a CoC Board at least once every five years and recommend updates.
d) Appoint CoC Board Members and CoC Members to committees, subcommittees, or work groups.
e) Review budgets, financial statements, contract compliance reports, audits, and other materials relevant to the CoC Board oversight role.
f) In consultation with the Collaborative Applicant and the HMIS Lead Agency, develop, follow, and annually update this Governance Charter, which will include all procedures and policies needed to comply with HUD requirements and with HMIS requirements, including a code of conduct and recusal process for the CoC Board, its Chairs, and any person acting on behalf of the CoC Board.
g) At the Chair’s discretion, the Executive Committee may invite other CoC Board Members and CoC Members to participate in and assist with annual Governance Charter review activities.
The HMIS committee is responsible for assisting the CoC Board with its responsibility to oversee the HMIS in compliance with HUD’s requirements. The HMIS Committee will:
a) Review, revise and recommend a CoC HMIS data privacy plan, data security plan, and data quality plan;
b) Review HMIS administration and recommend any changes needed to ensure compliance with HUD requirements; and
c) Make recommendations to ensure consistent participation in the HMIS by CoC and ESG recipients and sub-recipients.
The key responsibility of this committee is to coordinate the implementation of a housing and service system within the CoC’s geographic area that meets the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
Your involvement in this committee will help shape the CoC’s priorities and planning going forward, it is very important for partners to participate so we can accurately represent what our clients’ needs are in this area.
This committee is charged with assisting the CoC Board with its responsibility to develop performance targets, monitor performance, and recommend projects for funding, the Project Performance and Application Review Committee will:
a) Review local and federal policy priorities and recommend the adoption of priorities that align with them.
b) Recommend and implement a local process for applying, reviewing and prioritizing project applications for funding in the annual HUD Homeless
Assistance CoC Grants competition and State of Florida Department of Children and Families Challenge Grant competition.
c) Recommend a process for how the CoC:
i. Consults with recipients and sub recipients to establish performance targets appropriate for each population and program type
ii. Monitors performance of CoC and ESG recipients and sub recipients, evaluates the outcomes of projects funded under ESG and CoC
iii. Provides technical assistance and support to underperforming projects, and
iv. Takes action against ESG and CoC projects that perform poorly
d) Ensure that the outcomes of ESG and CoC projects are reported to HUD annually.