This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) establishes the funding criteria for the FY 2022 Continuum of Care (CoC) Program. HUD is making available approximately $2,794,000,000 is available in this FY 2022 CoC Program NOFO, including approximately $80,000,000, available for non-competitive YHDP renewal and replacement expiring grants, and at least $52,000,000 available for Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Bonus (DV Bonus) projects, described in Section II.B.5 of this NOFO. HUD may add to the total amount with available funds that have been carried over or recaptured from previous fiscal years and authorized by prior Acts. All requirements in the FY 2022 application process, including requirements for the entire CoC Consolidated Application and the total amount of funds available, are included in this NOFO. HUD will continue to require Collaborative Applicants to rank all projects, except YHDP renewal, YHDP replacement, CoC Planning, and Unified Funding Agency (UFA) Costs in two tiers as described in Sections II.B.11.a and b of this NOFO.

The FY 2022 CoC Program Competition opened August 1, 2022.

Consolidated community CoC applications are due September 30, 2022 at 8:00 PM EST.

2022 HUD CoC Competition –


CoC ARD Report

HUD CoC Application- Detailed Instructions for Collaborative Applicant

ESNAPS Detailed Instructions for Renewal Projects

ESNAPS Detailed Instructions for New Projects

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