Application & Project Review Committee
This committee is charged with assisting the CoC Board with its responsibility to develop performance targets, monitor performance, and recommend projects for funding, the Project Performance and Application Review Committee will:
a) Review local and federal policy priorities and recommend the adoption of priorities that align with them.
b) Recommend and implement a local process for applying, reviewing and prioritizing project applications for funding in the annual HUD Homeless Assistance CoC Grants competition and State of Florida Department of Children and Families Challenge Grant competition.
c) Recommend a process for how the CoC:
i. Consults with recipients and sub recipients to establish performance targets appropriate for each population and program type
ii. Monitors performance of CoC and ESG recipients and sub recipients, evaluates the outcomes of projects funded under ESG and CoC programs
iii. Provides technical assistance and support to underperforming projects, and iv. Takes action against ESG and CoC projects that perform poorly
d) Ensure that the outcomes of ESG and CoC projects are reported to HUD annually.