Please email Johnna at the CoC for calendar invite and agenda info.
Please email Tranesia at the CoC for a calendar invite and agenda info.
Please email Johnna at the CoC for calendar invite and agenda info.
Please email Eric at the CoC for a calendar invite and agenda.
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The 2023 Point in Time is just around the corner. The Point in Time (PIT) event is when the CoC performs a count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness […]
The BBCoC HMIS Committee is responsible for assisting the CoC Board with its responsibility to oversee the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) in compliance with HUD’s requirements. In these meetings, the committee is updated on recent changes, and votes upon critical upcoming changes, to our HMIS. If you would like to be included on email […]
For more information, or if you would like to participate in our Coordinated Entry committee, please click here to visit our Coordinated Entry Committee page
For more information, or to participate in our HMIS Committee, please click here to visit our HMIS Committee page.
The CoC Board is the main decision-making body for the CoC. It provides ongoing leadership, policy oversight, and implementation responsibility for fulfilling the purposes of the CoC. Responsibilities of the CoC Board, as delegated by the CoC, include: Overseeing all the work of the CoC Governs, but much of the work happens through Committees and […]