HMIS Committee

The HMIS committee is responsible for assisting the CoC Board with its responsibility to oversee the HMIS in compliance with HUD’s requirements. The HMIS Committee will:

a) Review, revise and recommend a CoC HMIS data privacy plan, data security plan, and data quality plan;

b) Review HMIS administration and recommend any changes needed to ensure compliance with HUD requirements; and

c) Make recommendations to ensure consistent participation in the HMIS by CoC and ESG recipients and sub-recipients.

HMIS Committee Meetings

All meetings are held virtually via Teams. If you are interested in joining the HMIS Committee, please contact Eric Layton to be added to the invite list. Please be sure to include your name and what community agency you’re working with.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes


December 10th

October 8th

August 13th

June 11th

April 9th 

February 12th – Meeting Minutes


December 11th – Meeting Minutes

October 9th – Meeting Minutes

August 14thCancelled

June 12th – Meeting Minutes

April 10thCancelled

February 14th – Meeting Minutes


Wellsky HMIS Operational Assessment (October 2020)

In October 2020, Wellsky (our HMIS software vendor) conducted an onsite operational assessment with several of our HMIS-participating agencies. The results of this assessment can be read 

by clicking here. (NOTE: This document is best viewed using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader).