Coordinated Entry Committee Meeting
Microsoft Teams MeetingFor more information, or if you would like to participate in our Coordinated Entry committee, please click here to visit our Coordinated Entry Committee page.
For more information, or if you would like to participate in our Coordinated Entry committee, please click here to visit our Coordinated Entry Committee page.
For more information, or to participate in our HMIS Committee, please click here to visit our HMIS Committee page.
Join us for our bi-monthly HMIS Committee Meeting. During this meeting, we'll be recapping HUD’s FY2024 HMIS data standards updates, previewing our CoC-wide performance reports, and we’ll have an exciting surprise to announce.
Please join us for our Big Bend CoC Full Membership and Board Meeting. 10-12-23 BBCoC Board Meeting Agenda Packet For meeting details or invite, please sign up here.
People in our community will die without a home this year. While we must try to prevent the loss of every life, we also want to recognize the reality of conditions that individuals experiencing homelessness face. Communities across the country recognize December 21- the first day of Winter, the longest night of the year—to honor […]
Please join us for the Point in Time (PIT) count from January 23-26, 2024, across multiple counties to help survey and aid our neighbors experiencing homelessness. We urgently need volunteers for this critical community service event. Note: All new volunteers must attend a mandatory training session on Sunday, January 21st, from 2-4pm Eastern time. Sign […]
To sign up, please visit our Point in Time volunteer application:
Please join us for our June HMIS Committee Meeting – Wednesday, June 12th, from 10-11am Eastern. In these meetings, we discuss what’s happening in the world of HMIS and data. This meeting is open to everyone interested in data and our Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). For more details, or to view minutes or previous […]
You're invited to join us for the BBCoC Needs Assessment & Planning Committee Meeting! This is your chance to help shape our community's response to homelessness by providing valuable input […]
Please join us for our full Board meeting on Thursday, July 11, 2024, from 11am - 12:30pm Eastern time. Log-in details below: Join the meeting now Meeting ID: […]
These meetings will be open to our CoC partners for a variety of topics ranging from community updates to funding opportunity announcements. You can also email us with any topics […]
Please join us for our August HMIS Committee Meeting – Wednesday, August 14th, from 10-11am Eastern. In these meetings, we discuss what’s happening in the world of HMIS and data. This meeting is open to everyone interested in data and our Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). For more details, or to view minutes or previous […]